Saturday, March 24, 2007

TAST 12 Couching - Kicking it up a notch.

I haven't had time to surf the TAST web ring for a while so before starting to stitch on Thursday, with my trusty cup of coffee at hand, I began my journey and the blog right after mine on the list was so great! Here is one of the posts from Amy of In The Fold showing her fabric postcards with the TAST stitching. But be sure to look at all her work. Then I was guided to an absolutely fantastic up and down buttonhole Stonehenge by Pat. They are doing such creative and beautiful things it really made me reconsider what I have been doing with my TAST samples. I know that 'If you compare yourself with others you may become vain and bitter' but in this case I was inspired to try harder to make my own work more challenging.

I decided originally to use the challenge to create a stitch book of my own, and quickly realized that it was also a good way to try new threads and fabrics and colour combinations. But as I look through my samples I realize that the ones I like best and enjoyed stitching the most were the ones that were more than just rows of stitches. So, unless I really need to do some practice rows, I'm going to stitch something other than rows. I also tried to use only the stitch of the week in my work, and I'll try to stick to that unless I find myself blocked by it.

So this week I have two couching designs. The first is gold Krenick braid in a laid work pattern based on a chimney at Hampton Court Palace. I sketched the design in my visual journal (thanks Sharon B) and then was able to use a ruler to find the common lines to lay the long threads. I'm quite happy with this one and will use the pattern in other things.

The sunset interpretation is made with Bayeux stitch, which I learned about from a post by Carol-Ann at Threads Across the Web. I have been watching her progress on a Japanese embroidery with great interest and her stitching is exquisite.

For those awaiting spring, it is spreading north. I have snowdrops, squill, hyacinths and daffodils, but the crocus have finished. And my Lenten rose now has THREE flowers. I realize there are some of you over in GB who will laugh at such a thing, but it is a big deal for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Margaret

    I've only just started my blog and am not sure of the protocol of linking sites. Would you mind if I added you to my Creative People area. I think it would be a good match.
    I hand dye threads & fabrics, design needlework charts and stitcheries, make and sell kumihimo kits.
