My weaving instructor Cherri has tagged me and since this is my official first day of summer (no daily commute until September) I am going to enjoy my lazy morning and have fun blogging and stitching.
Questions and Answers
What were you doing five years ago?June of 2003:
1. Working part-time in a research library & archives
2. PTA web site and other activities
3.Stitching reproduction samplers
4. Teaching myself classical guitar
5. Trying to learn to paint with watercolours.
(Note: I wasn't doing any of that by the end of the month because the kids were out of school s that became my main job. Now they can amuse themselves quite well - what a difference 5 years makes!)
What are five things on your to-do list for today (not in any particular order)?
1. Clean some of the garage craft room so I can get to the sewing machine to I can start my CQ pillow.
2. Finish horse embroidery for center of CQ pillow
3. Pick up DD the younger from school.
4. Make sure DD the older studies for tomorrow's exams
5. Try to stay cool!
What are five snacks you enjoy?
1. Mocha Caribou Bars
2. Frozen strawberry bars (or peach or coconut)
3. Chocolate anything
4. Ice cream ( which I really can't have often since I'm allergic to milk)
5. Scones with Double-Devon cream (I agree with Cherri on this one)
What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
1. Make sure my family was living comfortably
2. Have a house by the sea
3. Give lots of money to environmental charities like the Jane Goodall Society
4. Travel the world
5. Get horses for the kids (and hire somebody to clean up!)
What are five of your bad habits?
1. Procrastination
2. Spending too much (just ask DH)
3. Drinking too much coffee
4. Eating too much
5. Ignoring the cleaning until company is coming.
What are five places where you have lived? I haven't lived many places so I have to itemize within my home province
1. Windsor, Ontario
2. London, Ontario
3. One summer in Alberta
4. New York
5. Virginia
What are five jobs you’ve had?
1. Education manager
2. Car assembly line worker
3. Lifeguard
4. Mother
5. Librarian
Which five people do you want to tag? I'm tagging more since I'm tagging all my Stitching Sisters
Bits of Beads and Fiber - Denise S.
Crazy Daisy - Mandy
Ever Embellished - Sarah E.
Jenny's Australian Needlearts Journey
Lady Jane's Journal - Christine M.
Made by Misa
Norma's Needleworkz
With any luck I'll be able to post some CQ pillow progress tomorrow, along with some other stitching I've been doing.
Mmm, I have similar bad habits - procrastination (I can even put *that* off until tomorrow), wasting time on-line, yup, ignoring cleaning until it screams, although I am getting better at this.
Looking forward to seeing your CQ piece.