While I have always enjoyed the lace samples I have that were crocheted by my great grandmother, I never thought they would be of interest to others until I took them up to Plimoth Plantation for show and tell last week. It reminded me that I have promised my Stitching Sisters Christine and Jenny in Australia that I would put some photos up for them to see. At first I had thought everything was crocheted but when I saw the knotted lace on Jenny's blog and as I looked at things closely when deciding what to take, I realized that there were different types of lace in my pile.
So here are some things I could manage on the scanner since the camera is in use elsewhere. I think there is bobbin and needlelace here as well as crocheted lace. There is a needlelace tradition in Hungary (which is where my mother and her family are from) specifically in Kiskunhalas. I have two pieces framed.
I would love to hear from anyone who can tell me what's what.

HI...the top two are crochet, the next is filet, and the bottom ones are needle lace (least sure about this one) Judith
Hi Margaret! Thanks for the link, and I'm so glad you had a good time. We are really concerned that the volunteer embroiderers feel how much we appreciate their time and skill. I hope we'll see you again, when it's done and we can all stand back in awe.
Oh my! Margaret these are just beautiful! Lucky you to have them in your possession! I agree with Judith about the techniques of each, though I think the very bottom one is a combination of needle-lace & crochet. The edge is definately crochet. I have not seen designs like the bottom two before. Thank you so much for sharing.
Oh, Margaret, what heirloom treasures you have. They are absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing these very special pieces.
Hi Margaret, I'm sure I've seen the 4th one before and Virginia Churchill Bath in her book "Lace" talks about eastern European knotted laces which look similar. The 3rd one is darned netted filet according to the same book, popular in late Victorian and Edwardian times particularly. This one looks hand done, especially the needlewoven parts. They are all lovely, crochet lace gets such a bad rep but I think it's quite lovely.
Do you use them, or are they stored? The Lace Guild here recommends the "oven roasting" type bags which are inert and can be then placed in an acid free box with a couple of air holes. I suggest you take them out on special occasions, it's a shame to hide them away all the time, and enjoy them. I'd record anything you find out and keep it with them for future generations.
Hooroo, Christine.
For a long time I study on technical textile and also I made, many of them.
This is my opinion, I hope that you will serve.
The first image and the second are of lace crochet yarn made with fine
The third image is lace mesh:
The first 1: made the mesh or network.
After 2: to do embroidered with needle
The fourth image is of needle lace with cord.
The fifth and circular is crochet and its exterior is what is around the fabric I am not sure because, I do not see good the points. But by the way seems to be also crochet
These pieces are a jewel because they have a technique impeccable
Congratulations friend! and a kiss for you.
María del Valle
Hi, Margaret!
The THIRD ONE DOWN - oh, golly. I drooleth. It's GORGEOUS!
Very nice photos - thanks for posting the link in your comment! I'll let everyone know how the cleaner works!
Needle 'n Thread
The first two are crochet. The third one is filet lace (darning on the net). The last two: (I don't think the one on top is Romanian lace (as one mentioned, cord), but for sure is a type of needle lace. The bottom one, part is crochet and the stitches near the cloth could be Armenian lace called Oya or Bebilla.
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